
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

I just love sweet potatoes. No two ways about it. Lately I have been buying them pound after pound,  keeping them stocked on my counter, and making variations of them three or four times a week. I love them roasted, in soups, adding purees to cakes or muffins or pancakes, and mashed, of course. That's why when I saw Lauren of As Good As Gluten's post for mashed sweet potatoes, I knew I had to try them.

I adopted her for this month's Adopt A Gluten Free Blogger event hosted by Lexie of Lexie's Kitchen. As I was perusing As Good As Gluten's site for recipes to try for this event, I was instantly hooked on the sheer number of easy, kid-friendly recipes. Lots of crockpot dishes and one-pot wonders. This is my kind of simple, convenient comfort food, especially with two small children and especially as the winter here in Minnesota seems to keep dragging on. (Snow again tonight? Another six inches forecasted? And it's March 8? Come on?!)

Lauren's mashed sweet potato recipe is the first of her's I've tried yet (as I just love sweet potatoes, have I mentioned that already?), but surely will not be the last. I'm already dreaming about the chipotle mac n' cheese and steak and shake chili... take a look for yourself and give some a try!


  1. Thank you for such a nice post and kind words!! I, too, LOVE sweet potatoes! Any way, any form! I had leftover Chipolte Mac 'n Cheese for lunch - one of my new favs! And, you won't be disappointed in Steak 'n Shake Chili - it's a family favorite recipe and everyone we pass it on to enjoys it.

    On a side note, I live in Iowa and am SO ready for winter to be gone. We have a few new inches on the snow and for me March = spring. I don't think Mother Nature got the memo yet. :(

  2. Looking through your blog, I can see how you love sweet potatoes! Me too - I could eat them every day. Particularly love mashed sweet potatoes - yum. This looks great. Good adoption!
